Verona, the picturesque city in northern Italy, is renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and captivating architecture. However, beneath the surface of its charming streets and historic buildings lies a pressing issue that has garnered attention in recent times – " Spazi Confinati ," or confined spaces. In this blog, we delve into the challenges posed by confined spaces in Verona and explore how the city is addressing this concern. Understanding "Spazi Confinati": "Spazi Confinati" refers to confined spaces, areas that are limited in terms of size and accessibility. In a city like Verona, where narrow alleys and tightly packed buildings characterize the urban landscape, the concept takes on particular significance. These confined spaces can be found in the historic city center, where the medieval layout imposes constraints on modern infrastructure development. Challenges Posed by Confined Spaces: Urban Planning Constraints: The historic ...